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来源:会员投稿 发布时间:2020-08

  01、虚假的谦让一出现,真正的谦让就及时消亡。 False humility appeared, true humility is dying in a timely manner. 02、实话是我们最宝贵的东西。我们节省着使用它吧。 The truth is our most precious things. We save to use it. 03、人类是唯一会脸


False humility appeared, true humility is dying in a timely manner. 开心小区,欢迎转载!



The truth is our most precious things. We save to use it. copyright www.ggyyb.com



Human beings are the only animals that blush, or the only animals that. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

04、当真理还正在穿鞋的时候,谎言就能走遍半个世界。 本文来自开心小区!

When the truth also is wearing shoes, a lie can travel half the world. 开心小区,有你更精彩。

05、每个人都是月亮,总有一个阴暗面,从来不让人看见。 www.ggyyb.com

Everyone is a moon, there is a dark side, and never let a person see. 本文来自开心小区!

06、每个人都和月亮一样,有着不被外人所看见的阴暗面。 www.ggyyb.com

Everyone is like the moon, has not see the dark side by outsiders. www.ggyyb.com

07、每条纬线都认为他只要获得了权利,就可以成为赤道。 开心小区,欢迎转载!

Each of the parallel all think that he got the right, as long as can become the equator. www.ggyyb.com



If everyone is rich, so all of us are poor.

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09、让我们陷入困境的不是无知,而是看似正确的谬误论断。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

Let us in trouble is not ignorance, but seemingly correct errors of judgment.



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Everyone is like a moon, and is unwilling to dark side to let the other people see.

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11、永远说实话,这样的话你就不用去记你曾经说过些什么。 本文来自开心小区!

To tell the truth forever, such of words you don’t have to remember what you have said.


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When you’re standing in most of the people there, you’d think he is wrong. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com



Living life, must be the good situation, don’t waste time, do not trouble. 本文来自开心小区!

14、爱情到来的时候,你既不能和它理论,也不能跟它讲价钱。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Love comes, you can neither theory, and it also can’t bargain with it. www.ggyyb.com



To get your facts first, and then you can follow one’s inclinations of distorted misunderstand it.



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Sincere friends, good books and sleepy conscience, this is the ideal life. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

17、勇气不是缺乏恐惧心理,而是对恐惧心理的抵御和控制能力。 www.ggyyb.com

Courage is not the lack of fear, but the fear of against and control ability.



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When you find yourself belongs to the most side of the time, should stop to reflect on. www.ggyyb.com


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When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not with your brain. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com


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Whenever you find yourself and most of the people stood on the side, you should stop and reflect. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

21、善良,是一种世界通用的语言,它可以使盲人感到,聋子闻到。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

Good, is a kind of the language of the world, it can feel for the blind and the deaf.

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A malicious book will not hurt anyone, in addition to writing it’s fool. www.ggyyb.com

23、他的感觉就像一个人高高兴兴地跳着去看彩虹,结果却被雷劈了。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

He feel like a person dancing happily go to see the rainbow, the results are being hit.


24、一切脆弱的东西之中,最脆弱的就是不曾在烈火中试炼过的道德。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

All fragile things, the most vulnerable is not moral refined in the fire is the test.


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25、习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, only step by step and led downstairs.




Come up with a new way, before his new thought, people always say he is good to be true. copyright www.ggyyb.com



Come up with new ways to man before his way to success, people always said he was good to be true. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!


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Is stranger than fiction. This is because the fictional possibility to speak, but the truth is not subject to this restriction. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

29、如果你的朋友们开始夸你看上去多么年轻,那就是你正在变老的确据。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

If your friends began to boast how young you look, it’s sure you are getting old.


30、宁愿在谢武德森林里当一年绿林好汉,也不愿意当一辈子的美国总统。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

Would rather in wushu when year outlaw in the forest, also don’t want to be a lifetime of the President of the United States. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

31、必要的时候不妨把衣服穿得马虎一点,可是心灵美必须保持整洁才行。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

Necessary, might as well put up the clothes to wear a little sloppy, but the beauty of mind must keep clean and tidy. www.ggyyb.com



Freed from the slavery and the bondage of sin, get rid of the vulgar and brutal, life becomes angry. www.ggyyb.com



Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you to their level, then hit back at you. www.ggyyb.com



Read health care can be careful, maybe a typographical error will kill you.




Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. www.ggyyb.com



Among all animals, human beings are the most ruthlessness, is the only animal make happy on pain. 开心小区,欢迎转载!

37、别到处埋怨这个世界欠你一个美好的生活,世界什么都不欠你,它比你先到。 开心小区,欢迎转载!

Don’t blame around the world owes you a better life, the world owes you nothing, it is you to the first.


38、愤怒是一种酸,它对储存它的容器的伤害大于它对任何接触它的物体的伤害。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Anger is an acid, and its injury to the storage of its container is greater than for any contact its object.


39、悲伤可以自行料理;而欢乐的滋味如果要充分体会,你就必须有人分享才行。 开心小区,欢迎转载!

Sadness can arrange; But the taste of happiness if you want to fully experience, you must be someone to share it. copyright www.ggyyb.com


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Good parenting is hidden we better evaluation on their own, and hide our poor evaluation to others.


41、如果你懂得使用,金钱是一个好奴仆,如果你不懂得使用,它就变成你的主人。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

If you know how to use that money is a good servant, if you don’t know the use, it becomes your master.


42、在世间所有生灵中,当属人最残酷,只有人在施加痛苦时还能沉迷于其中的乐趣。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

In all living creatures in the world, the most cruel person, the only person in applying pain can also indulge in it. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

43、我们要努力把一生好好地度过,等到死的时候,那就连殡仪馆的老板也会感到惋惜。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

Effort, and spend the life well that we have to wait until die, that even the boss of a funeral home will feel sorry.


44、人的思想是了不起的,只要专注于某一项事业,就一定会做出使自己感到吃惊的成绩。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

People’s thinking is great, just focus on a particular career, will certainly make struck their grades.


45、他的样子与神情活像一只灰色的大蜘蛛,沾沾自喜地望着一只不幸落到他网中的小虫。 www.ggyyb.com

His appearance and looks like a big grey spider, smugly looking at an unfortunate fall to him only the bug in the net. 本文来自开心小区!


46、他的指甲看不出多少黑人的血统,那只有很少一点——可是这也足够把他的灵魂涂黑了。 www.ggyyb.com

His fingernails don’t see how much black blood, it is only a little – but this is enough to put his soul painted black.


47、每一个人生下来都拥有一项资产,它比其他所有的资产价值都高,就是他最后的一口气。 www.ggyyb.com

Every life down with an asset, it is higher than all other assets value, is his last breath. copyright www.ggyyb.com


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People’s thinking is great, just focus on a particular career, will be to make a surprise yourself.




Great wealth for a’m not accustomed to people, is a kind of poison, it invades his personal character of flesh and bone marrow. 开心小区,有你更精彩。

50、有时候真实比小说更加荒诞,因为虚构是在一定逻辑下进行的,而现实往往毫无逻辑可言。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Sometimes true more bizarre than fiction, because fiction was conducted under a certain logic, the reality often no logic.


51、充实人生,并不全在所有遭遇的事跟事实,而全在于思想的风暴,永远横扫过我们的脑际。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

Enrich your life, is not all in all the things happened with the facts, but it all depends on the thought of the storm, swept through our mind forever. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

52、保持健康的唯一办法是:吃你所不愿吃的东西,喝你所不爱喝的饮料,做你所不想做的事情。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Is the only way to keep healthy, eat what you don’t want to eat, drink what you don’t love drink, do what you don’t want to do. 开心小区,有你更精彩。



Some worship I often say that my mind is almost as big a basket, but they refuse to say that the size of the basket.


54、保持身体健康的唯一办法,就是吃点你不想吃的,喝点你不想喝的,以及做点你不愿做的事情。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

The only way to keep fit is to eat what you don’t want to eat, drink what you don’t want to drink, and do something you don’t want to do.


55、在人生的前半,有享乐的能力而无享乐的机会;在人生的后半,有享乐的机会而无享乐的能力。 www.ggyyb.com

In the first half of life, have the capacity to enjoy without the chance; In the second half of life, in the chance to enjoy without the capacity.




Each person life there are two kinds of time should not be speculative risks: one is he have capital speculation, the second is when he can’t afford to dry. 开心小区,有你更精彩。

57、远离那些企图让你丧失雄心的人吧。小人经常如此,而真正的伟人会让你觉得你也可以变得伟大。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

Far away from those who tried to make you lose ambition. Little people so often, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.


58、希望好像一个家庭,没有它,你会觉得生活乏味;有了它,你又觉得天天为它辛劳,是一种烦恼。 www.ggyyb.com

Hope like a family, without it, you will feel life tedious; With it, and you feel hard for it every day, is a kind of trouble. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com



Happiness is not a thing in itself, it is only a relative comparison with other unhappy things, this is the joy of the whole situation. 开心小区,有你更精彩。

60、人抛弃理智就要受感情的支配,脆弱的感情泛滥不可收拾,象一只船不小心驶入深海,找到碇泊处。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

People abandon reason will be at the mercy of the emotions, a fragile feelings flood, accidentally into the depths of the sea, like a ship to find mooring.

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Dance, like no one watching; Love, like never hurt; Sing, like no one listen to; Live, as heaven on earth. 本文来自开心小区!

62、构成生命的主要成分,并非事实和事件,它主要的成分是思想的风暴,它一生一世都在人的脑中吹袭。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

Constitute the main component of life, not the facts and events, its main composition is the storm of thought, life in a person’s mind blowing.


63、经常要坦白地承认一项过失错误,这将使你的上司意料防备不及,才会给你一个机会去犯更多的错误。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

Always acknowledge a fault frankly, this will make your authority off their guard and will give you a chance to make more mistakes. 开心小区,欢迎转载!

64、要伤透你的心,那就需要你的仇人和你的朋友合作才行,一个对换你进行诽谤,另一个把消息告诉你。 本文来自开心小区!

Want to break your heart, that is in need of your enemy and your friend cooperation, an exchange on you, another tell the news to you. 开心小区,欢迎转载!
